Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Training up to Tri Athy

It's been a couple of Weeks since I've posted my training plan, I've been busy doing the actual training! I've also had Two races in the last Two Weeks, Valentia Island and the Fingal 3D Tri. Both of these went really well for me and I have seen good improvements in my cycling which I was surprised by. Spurred on from my improvement I'm now prepping for Tri Athy on the 01st June. This is my first Olympic race of the season and I feel a bit under prepared due to a lack of longer distance training. Not much I can do now though, I just have to focus on getting to the start line in the best shape I can. That means stretching, good food and not over training between now and then. If I feel fatigued, I'll take a day off. Hers is what my training will look like.

Wednesday: Physical Therapy (Back and Legs) Swim, 45 minutes of drills. Stretching and rolling 30 mins.
Thursday: Swim, 2000m Steady. Run 5k easy, 5k Race Pace. Stretching 45 minutes.
Friday: Swim  12 x 50m sprint, 50m easy, 25 second rest.
Sat: Bike 3 hours Steady with hills. 45 minutes stretching and rolling.
Sunday: Run Speed work, Stretch,  Swim open water.
Monday: Swim 2500m sets. Stretch
Tuesday: Off / Light strecthing.
Wednesday: Light Brick 25 mins cycling with 3-4 30 second bursts, Run 15 minutes with 3-4 30 second bursts.
Thursday: Swim, 750m including 5 x 25m fast efforts. 30 mins Stretching.
Friday: Light Brick totalling 25-30 minutes with a few 10 second bursts.
Saturday: Race Day :-) Hopefully getting 100 National Series points.
Sunday: Well earned Pints and a rest. First half of my Season Complete :-)

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